./noise and other accidents


Synthesizer DIY Ressources

My journey into synthesizers started around 2013. I am lacking any music theory skills and was more interested in building stuff than actual producing music. After playing around with a few second hand drum machines for a while i found out about Modular Synthesizers. Almost a decade and a giant backlog of half-finished machines later i got a fairly good overview of popular systems and lesser known projects. So this is a little collection of circuits, noise-makers and ressources i found, researched or even built myself over the years.

grainy image compilation of modular systems in progress!


Most modular synth systems have specific technical format. This format can consist of size, mounting method, power delivery, cable connectors and other details. But a lot of circuits can be modified to be used in a different format than they were intended for. Personally i am familiar with the common formats of Eurorack, Serge and Moog. Older systems usually have their own specs (eg. Roland System-500, ARP 2500, Buchla etc).

Synth designs/inspiration


Software tools


Part and kit sourcing


Going deeper

If you are interested to follow the rabbit just hop over to the SDIY Wiki. They got a great starting guide and plenty more of links and ressources.